Policies & Procedures
The Club’s Executive Committee acknowledges its responsibilities under legislation to safeguard, so far is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of those using the club’s facilities, participating in sailing events, and attending activities organised by the Club, both onshore and afloat. The Club’s Executive Committee also recognises and accepts the responsibility to provide and maintain safe working conditions and a healthy environment for its employees. This is described in the Warsash Sailing Club Health and Safety Policy document.
In order to meet the Club’s health and safety obligations, the Commodore has issued the Club’s Health and Safety Policy Statement which calls up the following individual policy documents and forms approved by the Executive Committee, that apply within WSC:
Accidents and First Aid | HS100 – First Aid |
Fire Safety | HS101 – Fire Safety, drills and handling a fire |
HS101A- Fire Emergency Action Plan | |
Fire Drills and Building Evacuation Summary | |
Moving and Handling | HS102 – Moving and Handling |
COSSH | HS103 – Care of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSSH) |
Risk Assessment | HS104 – Risk Assessment |
Hot Work | HS105 – Hot Work |
Accident / Incident Reporting | HS106 – Incidents, Accidents and near miss incidents |
Contractors Arrangements | HS107 – Contractors Arrangements |
Electrical Safety | HS108 – Electrical Safety |
Sailing | HS109 – Afloat Activities |
Environmental | HS110 – Environmental |
Working at Heights | HS111 – Working at Heights, Ladders and Scaffold Towers |
Accident or Injury Report Form | SF100 |
Hot Work Permit | SF101 |
Immediate Action/Reporting Schematic | |
Risk Assessment Form | SF1000 |
In addition the executive committee has issued a Health and Safety Summary document that highlights key Health and Safety responsibilities within the club.
Other Policies
Web Privacy Policy (for anyone visiting our site)
Data Privacy Policy (on the Members Portal)
These documents are subject to version control and it is intended that they be improved incrementally with use and experience. Please refer any queries, deficiencies or suggested improvements the Honorary Secretary